Amazon Online Arbitrage

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Amazon is world’s largest selling platform where millions of purchasers and sellers engage themselves in day-to-day business from small and light categories to bulk purchases. Amazon provides opportunities to investors and sellers from all around the world to run a business on their platform and millions are benefitting by selling on their model. When sellers adhere with their policies and understand the market place, the result is launching of a secured business in USA and Canada markets with great ROI’s.

KK Universal Ecommerce Soluations mostly deals with vinyl products and provides complete end-to-end services, ranging from assistance in account opening, product hunting, listing the products on Amazon seller platform, product design, manufacturing, shipment services to Amazon warehouse and maintaining the account on daily basis. It brings your business to the most profitable global market and adds on a second income in foreign currency.

Sequence of Operations

Challenges in Selling with Amazon

  • Amazon policies concerning customer orders, shipments and product listings are very stringent and strict. One needs experience in understanding of these policies and market places.
  • Constant violations may result in withdrawal of the accounts.
  • Wrong listings, improper shipments, inadequate products may result in termination of the accounts.
  • Order defect rate, restricted products policy violations, intellectual property complaints may result in termination of the accounts.
  • Thorough understanding of the targeted market and pricing knowledge for success and profit margins.
  • Maintaining constant re-stoking levels to Amazon warehouse for business continuity.

KK Universal ECommerce Soluations Role and Model

  • KK Universal Ecommerce has years of experience in handling the above-mentioned factors with a success story of 25 plus accounts globally.
  • KK Universal Ecommerce takes care of the product listing, product specifications, product pricing and shipment to the Amazon warehouses on behalf of the investor.
  • It will assist in setting up initial account, tax information, charge methods and deposit methods on Amazon seller central.
  • KK Universal Ecommerce will hunt the product, sets its competitive price and enlist on Amazon seller platform.
  • KK Universal Ecommerce will handle the account health, replenishments, complaints, case filings on behalf of the seller.
  • KK Universal Ecommerce will engage with seller for future growth opportunities in more countries, product additions and selling on multiple channels, once the product sales gain momentum.
  • Selling partner / investor will have the primary access of his / her account and KK Universal Ecommerce will handle via virtual assistance. Thus, selling partner will have full view on FBA dashboard, account statistics, daily, weekly and monthly transactions, inventory records and account performance.